Q:how do you celebrate it?
A:with family.
Q:yeah,i mean,how,how do you celebrate it?
A:errr...(momentarily disconnected)
Q:okay,what have you done in CNY?
A:well,i...remember i...didnt quite celebrate it...
Q:what the heck?
A:coz,well,you know,we have to clear up the mess...um,of the flood...the mud was like teh tarik,or resembled yummy milo.mud everywhere on floor.furnitures commited suicide.
Q:oh,the damned flood huh i see.
A:yeah...the only highlight besides angpaos was us having Malay breakfast on the first day of CNY.
Q:that's cool,you could substitute it by having a CNY feast on hari raya.
A: good idea.the flood was a disaster.
Q:It hell was.(what grammar?..)Maybe those water dams are just like malfunctioned bladders.
A:you couldn't expect people just to endure it simply because they could not do anything about it.hmm,in fact they could
do something about it.
[the further conversation was being edited kerana tidak sesuai diterbitkan]
[rakyat didahulukan,pencapaian diutamakan]