Today there was a Counseling Unit meeting.
Even the deputy headmaster was there.He was in charge of the Counseling Unit.
We didn't have any idea why they need to meet us.Some people thought we are going to get our name tags as member of the unit.
But they were wrong.Deadly wrong.
The deputy headmaster gave a speech with a grave expression that we could not link it to his usual funny ways.Hey,not that we were informed of someone's death...It was actually the teachers' warning to the members.After he told us to discipline ourselves,build a character,and all those stuff,it was the counselor's turn.He was even angrier than the deputy.And gave a longer speech.
I've made a conclusion.They want us to reform the whole unit because it is not very dedicated.I am the deputy treasurer or whatever u call it,and i'll start to work with the treasurer,that's the form 4 boy.My happy life ended here.Farewell,joyful life.