
Save Bluefin Tuna

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a large migratory fish found in the western and eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. This species is at serious risk of extinction if unsustainable fishing practices in the Mediterranean are not stopped.

An amazing species with an uncertain future

The Atlantic bluefin tuna can reach over 4 metres in length and average around 250kg in weight.

When chasing prey they travel at speeds that can exceed 70 km/h.

But the bluefin tuna stock in the Mediterranean Sea is at serious risk of collapse.

A massive and hi-tech commerical fishing fleet and illegal fishing could mean that this magnificent species is gone from Mediterranean waters.

It isn't too late... yet.

WWF is demanding a sensible and science-based management scheme in the long term, but this is not happening and the species is collapsing.

The only way to allow the recovery of bluefin tuna stocks in the Atlantic and Mediterranean - and ensure a sustainable fishing industry - is to temporarily ban global trade through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

The time to act is now.

