Have been thinking about what course exactly I may have interest to play with in the future. Two years and less to go, should at least have a vague idea.
Because I am currently abusing myself in science class, a lot of humans may think it is a waste if I don't further my study in science when I enter university.
For so long I have been treating all these thoughts as a piece of shit. Who says you can never change your plans to study commerce or literature after graduating from science class? Man, what you're studying now in high school is, your yesterday dinner plus your today breakfast's puke. Sorry to put it like this, but it is really a mess. Some people, especially those brainy humans from SMK, actually admit that after entering college they perform better as the subjects are more focused. And one sole important point is they direct themselves to the path they think they can do well.
OK, I like economics, but the chance of me studying it, is slim. I prefer ecology or anything associated with rescuing nature and animals. I would also like to do architecture or designing. My latest favourite (concubine) is international relations, which I don't know what career I would be landing on if I studied it. Maybe I can work in FAO of UNICEF so I will never starve to death.
You know what, actually international relations is actually one of plans too. :) haha.
回复删除And I've come to realise that whatever path you choose, you'd find a job eventually, that is, if you try hard enough to search for one. LOL. And yeah, the part that sucks the most is that you can't be picky about the salary. LOL