After years of being immuned to KPOP idols, I have succumbed to Taecyeon. I knew him for a long time as 2PM is a famous group, but it was just recently that something struck me and I went head over heels for him. In case you are trying to disgrace yourself publicly by registering the pronunciation as TAE-CYEON(which I did obviously), that guy is called TAEC-YEON. His name in Chinese characters looks like Japanese name. The reason the agency preferred to name him so awkwardly? Probably thinking that TAEKYEON sounds countryside but seriously that's the original pronunciation.
OK, the point is, let's bid goodbye to HYUNA and welcome TAECYEON. Meaning that you'll find heaps of his photos in my phone. 我要变成diao丝了(T.T)。 I like him being sunshine and active, but please, no muscle-showing. Why keep peeling your clothes off? You know, you could get fined in South Korea for that. He's a handsome guy, nice to look at with short hair. But certainly not花美男looks or beastlike style.
He actually studied in the States in high school times and was quite active in various club. No, this is getting surreal. This is what you call 高富帅, tall rich and handsome.
Not sure whether he's that rich coz he has to split his earnings with other five mates in the boy band.
I finally remembered the moment I got struck by Taecyclone. He appeared on a talk show because his band is having a comeback with two main songs. And he was so gentlemanly yet shy.
I'm just admiring his looks. Nothing more. I don't listen to their songs, and I don't like to pay attention to celebrity activity.
Although Korean guys are nice-looking but so far I only managed to like a few, one of them Kyuhyun, who shares a birthday with me.