Prevention of Crime Act?
Even the name sounds so silly. How could you prevent crimes from happening by detaining suspects for an extended period without any evidence(if there's any, that could be made up) and trial?
Zahid Hamidi said it is NOT DRACONIAN. Yes, that's the same guy that stripped the Malaysian PR of the S'pore resort owner because of the "Buddhist meditating in surau" incident.
There's no such thing as detention without trial. It's totally a disregard for law. Law exists to create order and sentence punishments, not to be manipulated by oligarchs.
Sadly, the home minister does not think that the security level in Malaysia is deteriorating and is still crapping about how they're gonna implement this fabulous PCA.
Abolishment of ISA was only an election gimmick. (Now you know why our rakyat is forever skeptical) They really did what they could to stay in power.
So we'll have dissidents filling up the jails and the authentic criminals roaming on the streets.
More dangers, less hope.
Still want Wawasan 2020?