

Well, well.
I didn't expect a student so popular and seemed poised to be a leader could do such a thing to my lecturer.
Although I personally do not agree with everything she teaches us, including some bahasa grammar which I am pretty good in, but please give facts and not lies when you want to debate something.
You could well address the fact that her teaching is more exam-orientated and does not really help in improving a student's language proficiency.
But put yourself in her shoes, what could you do better?
It's very hard to teach students with different levels of language proficiency.
If you always come late to class, then perhaps you are not qualified to give any comments though your thoughts might be sound and true.

She isn't 'not teaching' okay.
And I thought based on what you told us privately, you wanted to reflect the fact that it might be hard for some students to learn under this lecturer. (Plus she doesn't explain concisely for better understanding sometimes. Coz the LEVELS OF STUDENTS ARE DIFFERENT!)
Couldn't you just phrase everything nicely?
I really thought that you wanted to help some of our classmates who are struggling to pass this subject. When I first mentioned about long term solutions, you said that the most important thing is for us to tackle the current learning problem.
What you have done is not a solution at all.
Might as well never do it.

Bring real change, not defamation.

