







Visited Malacca

When Selangor state was raining yesterday,we went to Malacca.It did not rain there,so I guess we were lucky.My parents thought there wouldn't have traffic jams on the highways but unluckily...so we spent lots of time on the road and this sucks because we paid the toll but still had to suffer.

We went to Mini Malaysia where me and my brother had never been there before.It was built in 1994 and it pictures different Malay traditional houses of different states.I took pictures but I was too lazy to upload it.Maybe I'll put them in my Facebook album.I think this concept is real good but the management must improve.They should repair the houses frequently and make sure everything is neat and clean.No water leakage or termites,please.Protect our heritage.

And...well,went to Jonker street which has lots of yummy Chinese traditional goodies.At last we only bought some of the cookies.Lots of souvenir shops there but we just did some window shopping.Mum likes simple=Never tolerate souvenirs.
Quite hot there.Stuffy.But nice.We went to Princess Hang Li Poh's well too.Did not toss money into it.There were some tourists from China at there.Amused by what their,and our ancestors built here.
We had our dinner at Negeri Sembilan,and reached home at 11.03p.m.Yeah.


What you can do for bluefin tuna

The best Atlantic bluefin tuna choice is that caught legally and over 30kg in size. However, it is virtually impossible for you to know whether tuna has been caught legally or not, or whether filleted and processed tuna came from a juvenile.

So until ICCAT has agreed a satisfactory recovery plan, WWF strongly advises that you avoid Atlantic bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean – unless it is caught using sustainable methods like the traditional tuna traps of Andalusia in Southern Spain. Ask your fishmonger, fish market or sushi restaurant to switch to other species – or other stocks that are sustainably managed.If you want to buy tuna from the fresh fish stand of your supermarket, ask the fishmonger whether the tuna is Atlantic bluefin, and whether it comes from the Mediterranean. If so, WWF advises that you avoid it. Ask your retailer not to stock bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean – until ICCAT agrees a strict recovery plan, or unless it is sustainably caught.

A tin of tuna off the supermarket shelf is very unlikely to be bluefin tuna. Most tinned tuna is yellowfin or skipjack. While these species are in better shape than bluefin, for the best environmental choice, look out for MSC-certified albacore tuna or check out a WWF seafood guide for other sustainable seafood options.

The making of an endangered species

Atlantic bluefin tuna have long been valued in the Mediterranean, where they created wealth and provided food for numerous civilizations. This is in stark contrast to North America, where prior to the 1960s they could only be sold for pet food!

But in the 1960s, international markets for canned and fresh tuna developed following the inventions of longlines, purse seines, and freezing equipment that allowed frozen tuna to be shipped long distances. Soon, large numbers of commercial purse seiners were catching small schooling Atlantic bluefin tuna for canning.

By the 1970s, attention switched to giant bluefin tuna for the Japanese market, where the bluefin had suddenly become a highly sought-after delicacy for sushi and sashimi.

Longliners, harpooners, and purse seiners all targeted the giants, driven by the high prices paid in Japan - which consumes 40% of global bluefin landings and where a single bluefin has sold for over $US150,000! More recently, these fleets have used ever-more sophisticated means to find the tuna, including spotter planes and sonar equipment.

The latest development, tuna farming in the Mediterranean, could be the final nail in the coffin for the endangered eastern population.

Save Bluefin Tuna

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a large migratory fish found in the western and eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. This species is at serious risk of extinction if unsustainable fishing practices in the Mediterranean are not stopped.

An amazing species with an uncertain future

The Atlantic bluefin tuna can reach over 4 metres in length and average around 250kg in weight.

When chasing prey they travel at speeds that can exceed 70 km/h.

But the bluefin tuna stock in the Mediterranean Sea is at serious risk of collapse.

A massive and hi-tech commerical fishing fleet and illegal fishing could mean that this magnificent species is gone from Mediterranean waters.

It isn't too late... yet.

WWF is demanding a sensible and science-based management scheme in the long term, but this is not happening and the species is collapsing.

The only way to allow the recovery of bluefin tuna stocks in the Atlantic and Mediterranean - and ensure a sustainable fishing industry - is to temporarily ban global trade through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).

The time to act is now.