
The Man Who Changed Iceland

I am Hordur Tofarson, I come from Iceland. I am a person who belongs to no political parties, not religious ones, and I'm the person who started a revolution in Iceland on the sixth of October 2008, and i kept it running with three demands for 5 months. That is to say we got away(got rid of) the government. We got a new government and +(kicked out) people in high place that have been very corrupted. We are all dealing with the same problem, worldwide. This is the globalization, a few companies and IMF( This is a global phenomena/crisis, and we must not be controlled by a few companies and IMF). We are fighting for our lives. We have a choice: either we accept this condition or we fight it. We don't fight it with riots, we don't fight it with fire,we don't fight it with violence. To deal with the non-violence part: What I did in Iceland-- and they started throwing rocks at the police, but the people wearing orange walked in front and made a wall in front of the police to show we need this.(?)  This was a very beautiful thing to do, because people were throwing rocks. And I think in that part we won the heart of the police. We fight it with reasons, information; we have the technology, we have the brains to do it, so let's do it. And each and every one of us have a part in it. To the greek people : you have an option, give up, or fight. But fight with your brains.This is about our life. And the future of the children, of the generations, of the young people today. (这里有一句听不懂)To the greek politicians, listen to your people. You are working for your people, not for your private situation. (for private benefits) Greek people, all over the world, people are following what you are doing. We are aware of it. We send our love and we say to you, we are fighting with you. And give strong messages to the politicians to do their jobs. When they are aware of you, they think, aaah, these are my votes(很下贱的感觉有没有), so I'd better do something for them. Make them aware (of) this. We are people all around the globe, doing this. So join us. We are with you in our hearts and in our minds. Good luck. Thank you.
有这么体恤民情的总统,The Iceland people must be very lucky. The Scandinavian countries always seem to be the cradle of any changes for the better. And they do manage to run it well.
link to more information about the Greek crisis/ the video:

